
The AvSim Training Course introduces attendees to the AvSim and Weibull modules of Availability Workbench.

  • Introduction and Course Overview: An introduction to reliability parameters, availability and reliability, failure frequency, constant failure rates, Weibull distributions, and the bath-tub curve.
  • How Simulation Works: Employing Monte Carlo simulation techniques to model random component failures and solve complex dependency problems.
  • System Logic: AWB allows users to construct either Reliability Block Diagrams or Fault Tree diagrams to model system failures and loss of production. This section teaches the construction of the logic diagram, compares RBD and Fault Tree methodologies, and explains capacity logic.
  • Failure Models: Entering failure and repair data into the program. How the program uses this data to calculate times to failure and times to repair, as well as resources required for repair. Using task groups to consolidate maintenance tasks.

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