Life cycle Cost
- The Life Cycle Cost Analysis module of Availability Workbench used for calculating the whole cost of a system from inception to disposal.
- It can be directly linked to RCM cost and AvSim modules.
Key Features:
- It allows the hierarchical cost break down structure through an unlimited number of indenture levels.
- Time- dependent costs can also be evaluated.
- Phase-dependent cost equations can be defined linking it with AvSim module.
- Multiple Import and export options are available.
- Customizable report designer for the easy report creation.
- Optimization can be done for maintenance intervals, replacement intervals, and spare parts inventory.
- LCC module allows users to define life cycle costs other than those predicted by the RCM Cost and AvSim modules.
- Multiple types of life cycle costs can be easily evaluated.
- The syntax of cost equations is easily understood.
- The construction of cost equations is assisted by an intelligent code-recognition utility that automatically reveals global variable lists as the user types in an equation.
- Customizable report designer to view and manage the reports.