Markov Analysis
Markov analysis module models systems which exhibit strong dependencies between component failures.
It is very flexible in the type of systems and system behaviour it can model. This modelling technique is very helpful in most of the situations.
The model is quite useful to modelling operation system with dependent failure and repair models. In fact, it is widely used to perform Reliability and Availability analysis of responsible system with constant failure and repair rates.
Key Features:
- Graphically constructed transition diagram
- Division of analysis into separate phases State attribute editing via easy-to-use dialogs
- Data verification for consistency checks
- Time-dependent transition rates modelled
- Global parameter facility for repetitive data
- Calculation of a wide range of probabilities and frequencies
- Graphs and plots showing time-dependent results
- Markov analysis is included along with Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) and Fault Tree+ modules.
- The Markov module provides a visual interface to construct the state transition diagram and then uses numerical integration to solve the problem.
- The state transition diagram represents the discrete states of the system and the possible transitions between those states.